Brighton School in North York

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Re: Brighton School in North York

khu » 周三 5月 29, 2019 1:40 pm

这个周末去yard sale找一位鬼佬妈妈买自闭症的书,和她住wilson和bathust附近。聊起她说她家孩子在brington读书,问起学费,说的确2万五。为何送这家学校,说没法在普通学校好好学习,有learning disability,他们是小班教育,适合孩子。不指望孩子将来上university,不过希望能上一个community college.

Brighton School in North York

游客 » 周二 4月 16, 2019 10:17 pm

机构负责人 Supervisor Name:
机构名称Service Provider Name: Brighton School
地址Address:240 The Donway W, North York, ON M3B 2V8
联系信息Contact Info:(416) 932-8273
介绍:'Brighton is the leading private school in Toronto intentionally designed for students with academic and/or social challenges. We offer both curriculum-based and remedial programs in our Elementary division; and flexible Secondary programs with credit, pre-credit and non-credit streams that can be customized and combined to meet students’ unique learning needs.'
Tuition fees for the 2018/2019 school year are $26,000 plus a one-time registration fee for new students. Fees are paid in three instalments: upon acceptance, July 1 and November 1.
Avg. Class Size:6
Grades: Gr. 1 to Gr. 12
'布莱顿是多伦多领先的私立学校,专为有学术和/或社会挑战的学生而设计。 我们在小学部门提供课程和补习课程; 灵活的二级课程,包括学分,学分前和非学分流,可以定制和组合,以满足学生独特的学习需求。
费用:2018/2019学年的学费为26,000元加上新生的一次性注册费。 费用分三期支付:接受时,7月1日和11月1日。
平均。 班级人数:6

简短评价Brief Review:
I recently visited Brighton in North York. It’s for kids with learning disabilities and 40% of the students have ASD.
This school is great for anyone with autism and/or disabilities because they know how to treat autistic people with respect. Most of the staff members are very friendly and nice and they will teach you how to talk to more friends. I know I don’t go to this school but I only go there for Friday night socials that you can join. We play games talk to each other and dance and great support. This is the best place to bring any child who has autism, ADHD, asperger's and etc.. Brighton is the best school change my life to zero to hero
