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Verbal Routines语言发展历程

发表于 : 周日 2月 21, 2021 1:26 pm
孩子们通过重复学习。 通常,他们首先学习的单词是他们反复听到的单词。 帮助孩子学习新单词的一种方法是通过重复。 您可以通过建立“语言例程”来做到这一点。

口头惯例是一个单词(或短语),在可预测的时间在整个活动中重复出现。 在以下活动中尝试建立口头惯例:

1. 书籍
Example (Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle):
Parent: “Brown bear, brown bear, what do you…”
Child: “…SEE?”
Parent: “I see a red bird looking at…”
Child: “…ME!”
Parent: “Red bird, red bird, what do you…”
Child: “…SEE?”
Parent: “I see a yellow duck looking at…”
Child: “…ME!”
Try these books, and encourage your child to “fill in the blank”:

歌曲,童谣和手指演奏包括重复,可预测性和节奏。 帮助您的孩子“填补空白”的关键是经常做这些活动,并慢慢进行。 就像阅读书籍一样,在行尾停顿以使您的孩子有机会填写单词或短语:

Adult: “Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you…” Child: “…ARE!”
Adult: “Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I….” Child: “O!”

Adult: “Hickory dickory dock. The mouse went up the…” Child: “…CLOCK!”
Adult: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great…” Child: “…FALL!”

Adult: “Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his…” Child: “…HEAD!”
Adult: “Round and round the garden, like a…” Child: “…TEDDY BEAR!”

与书籍和歌曲不同,播放时间不是计划好的单词。 在这里,您必须创建自己的口头惯例。 观察孩子玩耍的方式,并添加单词或短语,以便在整个活动中重复几次。 尝试添加单词:
Before an action – “1, 2, 3, go”, “Ready, set, go”, “Gonna get you”, “Look mommy”
After an action – “I did it”, “All done”, “My turn”, “Do it again”, “Here you go”
Use your target phrase each time. Remember to pause and allow your child to complete the phrase or part of the phrase.

在孩子的日常活动中添加可预测的语言(例如,穿衣,进餐/快餐时间,洗澡时间,就寝时间)。 一些家庭已经有了一些口头惯例,例如祝福或祈祷。 考虑可以添加到您日常活动中的重复短语。 想法可能包括:
Dressing – “Put your shirt on now. Put your pants on now. Put your socks on now…”
Meal time – “Cup goes on the table. Plate goes on the table. Fork goes on the table…”
Bath time – “Wash your face. Now it’s clean! Wash your tummy. Now it’s clean…”
Bed time – “Good night teddy, time for bed. Good night blanket, time for bed…”
*REMEMBER – you must pause and wait for your child to fill in the blank*