
各类资源的最新消息和讨论-Resource information and discussion
帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:24 pm

Inclusion: Assess your child's experience of inclusion in leisure and community activities. Reflect on any barriers they may face in accessing and participating fully in these activities, and consider any accommodations or support needed to promote their inclusion.

To prepare for the interview, gather any relevant information or documentation related to your child's leisure and community participation, such as therapy reports, teacher feedback, or IEP documents. Reflect on specific examples of your child's strengths and challenges in each area and consider any recent changes or improvements.

By focusing on these aspects of your child's leisure and community participation and preparing relevant examples and documentation, you will be better equipped to provide a comprehensive picture of your child's needs during the determination of needs interview. This will help ensure they receive the appropriate support and resources to engage in meaningful and enjoyable leisure and community activities.

3. 休闲与社区参与
为您的孩子的休闲和社区参与确定需求面谈做准备对于了解他们的兴趣和提供适当的支持至关重要。 准备时,请考虑以下几个方面:

爱好和兴趣:确定您孩子的爱好、兴趣和喜欢的休闲活动,例如手工艺、阅读或电子游戏。 反思他们如何独立地和与他人一起探索和发展这些兴趣,以及他们在从事自己喜欢的活动时可能面临的任何挑战。

结构化活动:评估您的孩子参加结构化课外活动的情况,例如舞蹈、运动队或俱乐部。 考虑他们的参与程度、享受程度以及他们在参与这些活动时可能面临的任何挑战。 反思他们在这些环境中取得成功所需的支持。

社区外出:评估您的孩子参加社区外出的能力,例如去餐馆、社交聚会或杂货店。 考虑他们在这些环境中可能面临的任何挑战,例如感官敏感性、社交焦虑或过渡困难。

家庭外出:评估您的孩子参加家庭外出的情况,包括正式和非正式的。 反思他们在这些外出期间如何与家人互动,以及他们可能面临的任何挑战。 考虑支持他们成功参与家庭出游所需的任何便利措施或策略。

社会化:观察您的孩子在休闲和社区活动中与同龄人和成人进行社交和互动的能力。 考虑他们在建立和维持友谊方面可能面临的任何挑战,以及他们发展社交技能所需的任何支持。

独立性:评估您的孩子独立或在最少支持下驾驭休闲和社区活动的能力。 反思他们遵守规则、参与活动和在需要时寻求帮助的能力。 考虑他们在这些环境中培养独立性可能面临的任何挑战。

包容:评估您的孩子在休闲和社区活动中的融入体验。 反思他们在参加和充分参与这些活动时可能面临的任何障碍,并考虑促进他们融入社会所需的任何便利或支持。

为准备面谈,收集与您孩子的休闲和社区参与相关的任何相关信息或文件,例如治疗报告、教师反馈或 IEP 文件。 反思您孩子在每个领域的优势和挑战的具体例子,并考虑最近的任何变化或改进。

通过关注您孩子的休闲和社区参与的这些方面并准备相关示例和文件,您将能够更好地在确定需求面谈期间全面了解您孩子的需求。 这将有助于确保他们获得适当的支持和资源,以参与有意义且愉快的休闲和社区活动。


帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:27 pm

4. Motor Skills:

how to prepare Motor Skills : how individuals participate in activities that involve using fine motor
skills, gross motor skills, and coordinating their movements such as writing and

Preparing for the determination of needs interview regarding your 10-year-old child's motor skills is essential for understanding their abilities and providing appropriate support. To prepare, consider the following aspects of their motor skills:

Fine motor skills: Assess your child's ability to perform tasks that require precise hand and finger movements, such as writing, drawing, using utensils, buttoning clothes, and manipulating small objects. Reflect on any challenges they may face and the level of support they need to develop these skills.

Gross motor skills: Evaluate your child's ability to perform tasks that involve large muscle movements, such as walking, running, jumping, and climbing. Consider any challenges they may face in developing these skills, such as balance or coordination issues, and the level of support they need.

Hand-eye coordination: Observe your child's ability to coordinate their hand and finger movements with visual input, such as catching a ball, threading a needle, or playing video games. Reflect on any challenges they may face in developing hand-eye coordination and the level of support they need.

Bilateral coordination: Assess your child's ability to use both sides of their body together in a coordinated manner, such as riding a bicycle, cutting with scissors, or playing a musical instrument. Consider any challenges they may face in developing bilateral coordination and the level of support they need.

Postural control and balance: Evaluate your child's ability to maintain an upright posture and balance during various activities, such as sitting, standing, and moving between positions. Reflect on any challenges they may face in developing postural control and balance and the level of support they need.

Motor planning and sequencing: Assess your child's ability to plan and execute new or complex motor tasks, such as learning a new dance or sports routine. Consider any challenges they may face in motor planning and sequencing, and the level of support they need.

Physical endurance and strength: Evaluate your child's physical endurance and strength during activities that require sustained effort, such as participating in sports, carrying a heavy backpack, or climbing stairs. Reflect on any challenges they may face in building endurance and strength and the level of support they need.

To prepare for the interview, gather any relevant information or documentation related to your child's motor skills, such as therapy reports, teacher feedback, or IEP documents. Reflect on specific examples of your child's strengths and challenges in each area, and consider any recent changes or improvements.

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:28 pm

4. 运动技能

为您的孩子的运动技能确定需求面谈做准备对于了解他们的能力和提供适当的支持至关重要。 准备时,请考虑他们运动技能的以下方面:

精细运动技能:评估您的孩子执行需要精确的手和手指运动的任务的能力,例如写字、画画、使用器具、扣衣服扣子和操作小物体。 反思他们可能面临的任何挑战以及他们发展这些技能所需的支持水平。

粗大运动技能:评估您的孩子执行涉及大肌肉运动的任务的能力,例如步行、跑步、跳跃和攀爬。 考虑他们在发展这些技能时可能面临的任何挑战,例如平衡或协调问题,以及他们需要的支持水平。

手眼协调能力:观察您的孩子通过视觉输入协调他们的手和手指运动的能力,例如接球、穿针或玩电子游戏。 反思他们在发展手眼协调能力方面可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

双侧协调能力:评估您的孩子以协调的方式一起使用身体两侧的能力,例如骑自行车、用剪刀剪东西或演奏乐器。 考虑他们在发展双边协调方面可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

姿势控制和平衡:评估您的孩子在各种活动中保持直立姿势和平衡的能力,例如坐着、站着和在不同姿势之间移动。 反思他们在发展姿势控制和平衡方面可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

运动计划和排序:评估您的孩子计划和执行新的或复杂的运动任务的能力,例如学习新的舞蹈或运动程序。 考虑他们在运动规划和排序方面可能面临的任何挑战,以及他们需要的支持水平。

身体耐力和力量:评估孩子在需要持续努力的活动中的身体耐力和力量,例如参加运动、背着沉重的背包或爬楼梯。 反思他们在增强耐力和力量以及他们需要的支持水平方面可能面临的任何挑战。

为准备面谈,收集任何与您孩子的运动技能相关的信息或文件,例如治疗报告、教师反馈或 IEP 文件。 反思您孩子在每个领域的优势和挑战的具体例子,并考虑最近的任何变化或改进。

通过关注您孩子运动技能的这些方面并准备相关示例和文档,您将能够更好地在确定需求面谈期间全面了解您孩子的需求。 这将有助于确保他们获得适当的支持和资源来发展他们的运动技能并充分参与各种活动。

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:32 pm

5. Cognitive Skills
How to prepare Cognitive Skills : how individuals follow instructions, concentrate and solve problems

Preparing for the determination of needs interview regarding your child's cognitive skills is essential for understanding their abilities and providing appropriate support. To prepare, consider the following aspects of their cognitive skills:

Following instructions: Assess your child's ability to listen to, understand, and follow verbal and written instructions. Reflect on any challenges they may face, such as difficulty remembering multiple steps or processing complex language, and the level of support they need.

Concentration and attention: Evaluate your child's ability to focus and maintain attention on tasks and activities, both independently and in group settings. Consider any challenges they may face, such as distractibility or difficulty sustaining attention, and the level of support they need.

Problem-solving: Observe your child's ability to identify problems, generate possible solutions, and implement strategies to solve problems. Reflect on any challenges they may face in problem-solving, such as difficulty with logical reasoning or flexibility in thinking, and the level of support they need.

Memory: Assess your child's short-term and long-term memory skills, including their ability to remember and recall information, events, and routines. Consider any challenges they may face in memory and the level of support they need.

Logical reasoning: Evaluate your child's ability to think logically, draw conclusions, and make inferences based on available information. Reflect on any challenges they may face in logical reasoning and the level of support they need.

Organization and planning: Assess your child's ability to organize their thoughts, materials, and time effectively. Consider their skills in planning and prioritizing tasks, and reflect on any challenges they may face in organization and planning.

Abstract thinking: Observe your child's ability to think abstractly, understand complex concepts, and make connections between ideas. Reflect on any challenges they may face in abstract thinking and the level of support they need.

To prepare for the interview, gather any relevant information or documentation related to your child's cognitive skills, such as therapy reports, teacher feedback, or IEP documents. Reflect on specific examples of your child's strengths and challenges in each area, and consider any recent changes or improvements.

By focusing on these aspects of your child's cognitive skills and preparing relevant examples and documentation, you will be better equipped to provide a comprehensive picture of your child's needs during the determination of needs interview. This will help ensure they receive the appropriate support and resources to develop their cognitive skills and reach their full potential.

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:33 pm

5. 认知技能

为您的孩子的认知技能确定需求面谈做准备对于了解他们的能力和提供适当的支持至关重要。 准备时,请考虑他们认知技能的以下方面:

遵循指示:评估您的孩子听、理解和遵循口头和书面指示的能力。 反思他们可能面临的任何挑战,例如难以记住多个步骤或处理复杂的语言,以及他们需要的支持水平。

专注力和注意力:评估您的孩子在独立和集体环境中专注和保持注意力集中在任务和活动上的能力。 考虑他们可能面临的任何挑战,例如注意力不集中或难以保持注意力,以及他们需要的支持水平。

解决问题:观察您的孩子识别问题、生成可能的解决方案以及实施解决问题策略的能力。 反思他们在解决问题时可能面临的任何挑战,例如逻辑推理困难或思维灵活性,以及他们需要的支持程度。

记忆力:评估您孩子的短期和长期记忆能力,包括他们记住和回忆信息、事件和惯例的能力。 考虑他们在记忆中可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

逻辑推理:评估您的孩子逻辑思考、得出结论以及根据可用信息进行推理的能力。 反思他们在逻辑推理中可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

组织和计划:评估您孩子有效组织思想、材料和时间的能力。 考虑他们在规划和确定任务优先级方面的技能,并反思他们在组织和规划中可能面临的任何挑战。

抽象思维:观察您孩子的抽象思维能力、理解复杂概念以及将想法联系起来的能力。 反思他们在抽象思维方面可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

为准备面谈,收集任何与您孩子的认知技能相关的信息或文件,例如治疗报告、教师反馈或 IEP 文件。 反思您孩子在每个领域的优势和挑战的具体例子,并考虑最近的任何变化或改进。

通过关注您孩子认知技能的这些方面并准备相关示例和文档,您将能够更好地在确定需求面谈期间全面了解您孩子的需求。 这将有助于确保他们获得适当的支持和资源,以发展他们的认知技能并充分发挥其潜力。

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:34 pm

6. Sensory System

how to prepare Sensory System : how individuals manage reactions to stimuli
instrumental activities of daily living - 10-18 years of age household

Preparing for the determination of needs interview regarding your child's sensory system and their ability to manage reactions to stimuli is important for understanding their sensory needs and providing appropriate support. To prepare, consider the following aspects of their sensory system and reactions:

Sensory sensitivities: Assess your child's sensitivities to various sensory stimuli, such as sounds, smells, textures, tastes, and lights. Reflect on any particular sensitivities they may have and how these impact their daily life and activities.

Sensory seeking behaviors: Observe your child's behaviors in seeking out sensory experiences, such as craving movement, enjoying deep pressure, or seeking out certain textures or sounds. Consider how these sensory-seeking behaviors affect their daily life and activities.

Sensory processing: Evaluate your child's ability to process and integrate sensory information from their environment. Reflect on any challenges they may face in processing sensory information and the level of support they need.

Sensory regulation: Assess your child's ability to self-regulate and manage their sensory needs, such as using sensory strategies or self-calming techniques. Consider any challenges they may face in self-regulation and the level of support they need.

Impact on daily living: Evaluate how your child's sensory processing and reactions affect their ability to complete instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), such as managing chores, navigating public transportation, or participating in community activities. Reflect on any accommodations or supports needed to help your child fully participate in these activities.

Environmental modifications: Consider any modifications you have made to your home or environment to accommodate your child's sensory needs, such as using noise-canceling headphones, creating a sensory-friendly space, or adjusting lighting. Reflect on the effectiveness of these modifications and any additional adaptations that may be necessary.

To prepare for the interview, gather any relevant information or documentation related to your child's sensory system and reactions, such as therapy reports, teacher feedback, or IEP documents. Reflect on specific examples of your child's strengths and challenges in each area and consider any recent changes or improvements.

By focusing on these aspects of your child's sensory system and preparing relevant examples and documentation, you will be better equipped to provide a comprehensive picture of your child's needs during the determination of needs interview. This will help ensure they receive the appropriate support and resources to manage their sensory needs and fully participate in daily living activities, including instrumental activities of daily living as they grow older.

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:34 pm

6. 感觉系统

日常生活中的工具性活动——10-18 岁家庭

准备关于您孩子的感官系统和他们管理对刺激反应的能力的需求面谈对于了解他们的感官需求和提供适当的支持很重要。 准备时,请考虑他们的感觉系统和反应的以下方面:

感官敏感度:评估您的孩子对各种感官刺激的敏感度,例如声音、气味、质地、味道和光线。 反思他们可能具有的任何特定敏感性,以及这些敏感性如何影响他们的日常生活和活动。

感官寻求行为:观察孩子寻求感官体验的行为,例如渴望运动、享受深度压力或寻找某些纹理或声音。 考虑一下这些寻求感官的行为如何影响他们的日常生活和活动。

感官处理:评估您的孩子处理和整合来自环境的感官信息的能力。 反思他们在处理感官信息时可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

感官调节:评估您的孩子自我调节和管理其感官需求的能力,例如使用感官策略或自我镇定技巧。 考虑他们在自我监管方面可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

对日常生活的影响:评估您孩子的感官处理和反应如何影响他们完成日常生活工具性活动 (IADL) 的能力,例如管理家务、乘坐公共交通工具或参与社区活动。 反思帮助您的孩子充分参与这些活动所需的任何便利或支持。

环境改造:考虑您为满足孩子的感官需求而对您的家或环境所做的任何改造,例如使用降噪耳机、创造一个感官友好的空间或调整照明。 反思这些修改的有效性以及可能需要的任何其他调整。

为准备面谈,收集与您孩子的感觉系统和反应有关的任何相关信息或文件,例如治疗报告、教师反馈或 IEP 文件。 反思您孩子在每个领域的优势和挑战的具体例子,并考虑最近的任何变化或改进。

通过关注您孩子感官系统的这些方面并准备相关示例和文档,您将能够更好地在确定需求面谈期间全面了解您孩子的需求。 这将有助于确保他们获得适当的支持和资源来管理他们的感官需求并充分参与日常生活活动,包括随着年龄的增长而进行的日常生活中的工具活动。

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:36 pm

7. Responsibilities
How to prepare Responsibilities part : working towards independence to live independently – community participation – moving around the community safely – driving, meal prep, safety awareness.

Preparing for the determination of needs interview regarding your child's progress towards independence, community participation, and safety awareness is crucial for ensuring they receive the appropriate support as they grow. To prepare, consider the following aspects of their responsibilities and skills:

Independent living skills: Assess your child's progress towards developing skills necessary for independent living, such as managing personal finances, making appointments, and maintaining a clean and organized living space. Reflect on any challenges they may face and the level of support they need.

Community participation: Evaluate your child's ability to engage in community activities and events, such as attending local meetings, volunteering, or participating in social clubs. Consider any challenges they may face in community participation and the level of support they need.

Navigating the community: Observe your child's ability to move around the community safely, such as using public transportation, walking or biking, and understanding traffic rules. Reflect on any challenges they may face in navigating the community and the level of support they need.

Driving: Assess your child's readiness and interest in learning to drive when they reach the appropriate age, including their understanding of traffic rules, ability to focus, and hand-eye coordination. Consider any challenges they may face in learning to drive and the level of support they need.

Meal preparation: Evaluate your child's ability to plan and prepare meals independently, including shopping for groceries, following recipes, and using kitchen appliances safely. Reflect on any challenges they may face in meal preparation and the level of support they need.

Safety awareness: Assess your child's understanding of and ability to follow safety precautions at home, in the community, and online. Reflect on any challenges they may face in recognizing potentially dangerous situations and the level of support they need.

To prepare for the interview, gather any relevant information or documentation related to your child's progress towards independence, community participation, and safety awareness, such as therapy reports, teacher feedback, or IEP documents. Reflect on specific examples of your child's strengths and challenges in each area, and consider any recent changes or improvements.

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:36 pm


如何准备 责任部分:努力实现独立以独立生活 – 社区参与 – 安全地在社区内移动 – 驾驶、准备膳食、安全意识。

准备关于您孩子在独立、社区参与和安全意识方面的进步的需求面谈,对于确保他们在成长过程中获得适当的支持至关重要。 准备时,请考虑他们的职责和技能的以下方面:

独立生活技能:评估您的孩子在培养独立生活所需技能方面的进展,例如管理个人财务、预约以及保持整洁有序的生活空间。 反思他们可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

社区参与:评估您的孩子参与社区活动和事件的能力,例如参加当地会议、志愿服务或参加社交俱乐部。 考虑他们在社区参与中可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

在社区中穿行:观察您的孩子在社区中安全移动的能力,例如使用公共交通工具、步行或骑自行车,以及了解交通规则。 反思他们在社区中可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

驾驶:评估您的孩子在达到适当年龄时对学习驾驶的准备程度和兴趣,包括他们对交通规则的理解、专注力和手眼协调能力。 考虑他们在学习驾驶过程中可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

膳食准备:评估您的孩子独立计划和准备膳食的能力,包括购买杂货、遵循食谱以及安全使用厨房用具。 反思他们在准备膳食时可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

安全意识:评估您的孩子在家中、社区和网上对安全预防措施的理解和能力。 反思他们在识别潜在危险情况时可能面临的任何挑战以及他们需要的支持水平。

为准备面谈,收集与您孩子在独立、社区参与和安全意识方面取得进展相关的任何相关信息或文件,例如治疗报告、教师反馈或 IEP 文件。 反思您孩子在每个领域的优势和挑战的具体例子,并考虑最近的任何变化或改进。

通过关注您孩子的责任和技能的这些方面并准备相关示例和文档,您将能够更好地在确定需求面谈期间全面了解您孩子的需求。 这将有助于确保他们获得适当的支持和资源,以努力实现独立,参与社区活动,并随着年龄的增长培养安全意识。

帖子: 2096
注册时间: 周二 3月 12, 2019 10:55 am
国家/城市: 多伦多

Re: 安省AccessOAP 的DON会议如何尽量覆盖10大领域的方方面面的短板?

帖子 khu » 周三 5月 03, 2023 2:37 pm

8. Interfering Behaviours
How to prepare Interfering Behaviours : how individuals manage behaviours that may impact their ability to participate safely in activities of daily life

Preparing for the determination of needs interview regarding your child's interfering behaviors is essential for understanding how these behaviors impact their daily life and providing appropriate support. To prepare, consider the following aspects of their interfering behaviors:

Identification of interfering behaviors: Assess your child's behaviors that may negatively impact their ability to participate safely in activities of daily life, such as aggression, self-injurious behaviors, tantrums, or excessive withdrawal. Be specific about the types of behaviors and their frequency.

Triggers and patterns: Observe any patterns or triggers that may lead to interfering behaviors, such as specific situations, sensory stimuli, or social interactions. Reflect on how understanding these triggers can help inform strategies to manage or prevent interfering behaviors.

Impact on daily life: Evaluate how interfering behaviors affect your child's ability to participate in various activities, such as school, family outings, or community events. Consider any challenges they face due to these behaviors and how they impact their relationships with others.

Coping strategies: Assess your child's ability to use coping strategies to manage interfering behaviors, such as deep breathing, self-soothing techniques, or seeking adult support. Reflect on any challenges they may face in implementing these strategies and the level of support they need.

Interventions and supports: Evaluate the effectiveness of any interventions or supports currently in place to address interfering behaviors, such as therapy, behavior plans, or medication. Consider any additional supports or modifications needed to better manage these behaviors.

Communication: Assess your child's ability to communicate their feelings, needs, and frustrations in appropriate ways, as this can play a significant role in managing interfering behaviors. Reflect on any challenges they may face in communication and the level of support they need.

To prepare for the interview, gather any relevant information or documentation related to your child's interfering behaviors, such as therapy reports, teacher feedback, or IEP documents. Reflect on specific examples of your child's strengths and challenges in managing these behaviors and consider any recent changes or improvements.

By focusing on these aspects of your child's interfering behaviors and preparing relevant examples and documentation, you will be better equipped to provide a comprehensive picture of your child's needs during the determination of needs interview. This will help ensure they receive the appropriate support and resources to manage interfering behaviors and participate safely in activities of daily life.



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